Brand Philosophy
From Smiling

We propose products with a sense of comfort based on plant dyeing materials made in the Kiso River region. From colors expressed from nature and shapes that are easy to wear, we aim to create products that are useful for daily life, which shapes the basis of one’s body and mind.

We offer a sustainable textile collection that is colorfully developed by dyeing environmentally friendly materials such as organic and recycled plants. We aim to create soothing colors that evoke gentle emotions.
3 Things To Make
New Items
- 【洗える/柔らかマシュマロ素材/草木染め】七分袖Uネックインナー ログウッド薄ブルー14800 JPY
- 【洗える/柔らかマシュマロ素材/草木染め】七分袖Uネックインナー コチニールパープル14800 JPY
- 【洗える/柔らかマシュマロ素材/草木染め】七分袖Uネックインナー アカネピンク14800 JPY
- 【オーガニックコットン/裏起毛/草木染め】 ナッピング裏毛フード付きコーディガン 玉ねぎ26000 JPY
- 【オーガニックコットン/裏起毛/草木染め】 ナッピング裏毛フード付きコーディガン ログウッドマリーゴールド26000 JPY
- 【洗える/柔らか/草木染め】ロングベスト キナリ16500 JPY
- 【洗える/柔らか/草木染め】ロングベスト 丁子(ベージュ)16500 JPY
- 【洗える/柔らか/草木染め】ショートベスト キナリ15400 JPY

Kisogawasenjyu Co., Ltd.
By updating old methods and customs, striving for new ingenuity, respecting ethics, and doing our best for society and people, we create happiness in the form of a smile, based on materials made in the Kiso River region. We propose products that can contribute to daily life with consideration given to the foundation of a healthy and comfortable life.
Get In Touch With Us
For inquiries regarding your request, please contact us.
Please use the email form.
Kisogawasenjyu Co., Ltd.
185, Dendai, Kasamatsu-cho,
Hashima-gun, Gifu, 501-6062, Japan